Friday, August 17, 2007

Blockbuster - part deux

Well, Blockbuster has given me something to think about. When I switched to Blockbuster from Netflix, it was due to getting rentals for the same price, but with the added benefit of being able to exchange my online rental returns in store for a free movies. I wasn't thrilled about switching to a company that is an example of much of what is wrong in the movie industry. Well, today, I got the gift of an e-mail from the corporate giant that explains that they want to begin charging me an extra $7 per month for this privilege. Or I can remain at $17.99 per month and only get 5 in-store exchanges a month. I'm not the kind of person that likes being forced to keep track of simple things such as this. I want unlimited and no worries.

Well, in this same timeframe, Netflix cut their costs by $1 per month. Maybe it is time to restart my membership there and dump the evil corporate entity?

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